Improve your Gmail open rates

Noticed a reduction in your open and click through rates for emails sent over the last year? When Google rolled out changes to the way emails were filtered recruitment professionals with a large number of Gmail recipients noticed a significant drop off.

The introduction of category tabs and automatic content filtering sorts users emails into areas three areas; Primary, Social and Promotions. If you are a Gmail user the new filtering system is great for hiding all of your unwanted LinkedIn group updates however it does present recruiters sending out new vacancies to candidates a problem.

Recruitment Tips - GmailAccording to Strong View 46% of Gmail users only check their promotions tab once a week. If you are emailing new vacancies or job alerts it could be a week before the positions are seen by potential candidates. In that time a competitor could have already connected and engaged top candidates.

Smart inboxes require smart emails, check out HRS’s tips for maximising your open rates across Gmail users below:

  • Review your data, how many Gmail users do you currently email?
  • Compare your open rates across various email inboxes. Do certain email clients result in a higher open rate in comparison to Gmail? It may be that your email recipient list is made up of strong supporters with the new tabbing system having little effect.
  • Inform email recipients how to add you into their primary inbox. Write a blog, schedule posts through your social media channels and send a targeted email to Gmail users. Make sure you give them a compelling reason to go to the trouble of changing their settings.
  • Evaluate the results of your campaigns and adapt your email strategy accordingly.

For more recruitment tips, news and advice head over to the main HRS blog. If you have any questions about your email marketing or want to find out how integrated email and social media recruitment software can help you find, engage and place more candidates send me a message or book your personal HRS online demo today.

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